

13 products
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Flyte Garden Bird Nest Box, 28mm Flyte Garden Bird Nest Box, 28mm
Flyte Garden Bird Nest Box, 28mm
Sale price£24.95
Flyte Garden Bird Nest Box, 32mm, brown or green Green Flyte Garden Bird Nest Box, 32mm
Flyte Garden Bird Nest Box, 32mm
Sale price£24.95
Flyte Treecreeper Nest Box mounted in a tree Flyte Treecreeper Nest Box
Flyte Treecreeper Nest Box
Sale price£23.95
Large Blackbird Nesting Box in Natural Green or Chestnut Brown Brown Blackbird Nesting Box
Flyte Blackbird Nest Box
Sale price£28.95
Save £6.00
Flyte Open Fronted Robin & Wren Boxes Flyte so Fancy Quality stamp
Flyte Open Fronted Nest Box
Sale price£22.95 Regular price£28.95
Flyte Woodpecker & Starling Nesting Box on a fence Flyte Woodpecker & Starling Nesting Boxes
Flyte Woodpecker Nest Box
Sale price£49.00
Flyte Sparrow Terrace Nesting Boxes Brown Flyte Sparrow Terrace Nesting Box
Flyte Sparrow Terrace Nest Box
Sale price£39.95
Save £10.00
Flyte Wooden Swift Nesting Boxes Green Flyte Wooden Swift Nesting Box
Flyte Swift Nest Box
Sale price£29.95 Regular price£39.95
Durdle Door Garden Bird House Close up of Durdle Door Garden Bird House
Durdle Door Garden Bird House
Sale price£245.00
Flyte Little Owl Nesting Box mounted in a tree Flyte Little Owl Nesting Box, side view
Flyte Little Owl Nest Box
Sale price£69.00
Flyte Tawny Owl Nesting Box with Owl Front view Flyte Tawny Owl Nesting Box
Flyte Tawny Owl Nest Box
Sale price£99.00
Flyte Barn Owl Nesting Box with Eddie Barn Owl Eddie on Barn Owl Nesting Box
Flyte Barn Owl Nest Box
Sale price£179.00
Save £10.00
Flyte Nesting Box for Kestrels mounted on a barn Flyte Nesting Box for Kestrels
Flyte Kestrel Nest Box
Sale price£49.00 Regular price£59.00

Information Centre

What Should I Avoid Feeding to My Chickens?
Chickens & Ducks

What Should I Avoid Feeding to My Chickens?

You may already know that some foods and plants can be toxic and poisonous to chickens. From avocado to chocolate to raw potato and capsicums, follow our helpful list of what to avoid.
9 Signs of Red Mite Infestation
Chickens & Ducks

9 Signs of Red Mite Infestation

What are the 9 signs to look for to help you identify Red Mites in your Coop.
Fly Strike in Chickens – it's horrible!
Chickens & Ducks

Fly Strike in Chickens – it's horrible!

Fly Strike is caused by flies laying their eggs on a Chicken's skin - what happens next is gruesome!
Three hens in a garden with a basket of eggs
Chickens & Ducks

How many eggs can a hen lay?

All you need to know about which hens make the best layers, and which do not, along with why, and how to get the best eggs from your hens.
What Should I Avoid Feeding to My Chickens?
Chickens & Ducks

What Should I Avoid Feeding to My Chickens?

You may already know that some foods and plants can be toxic and poisonous to chickens. From avocado to chocolate to raw potato and capsicums, follow our helpful list of what to avoid.
9 Signs of Red Mite Infestation
Chickens & Ducks

9 Signs of Red Mite Infestation

What are the 9 signs to look for to help you identify Red Mites in your Coop.
Fly Strike in Chickens – it's horrible!
Chickens & Ducks

Fly Strike in Chickens – it's horrible!

Fly Strike is caused by flies laying their eggs on a Chicken's skin - what happens next is gruesome!
Three hens in a garden with a basket of eggs
Chickens & Ducks

How many eggs can a hen lay?

All you need to know about which hens make the best layers, and which do not, along with why, and how to get the best eggs from your hens.