Electric Fencing is all about protecting your pets, poultry and pond from predators … that is, keeping the bad guys out. It may be a fox or badger looking for a chicken dinner or a heron taking breakfast from your pond, so we want to thwart their attempts. Watch our video on How to Install Electric Poultry Netting.
An electric fence system may not be for everyone and needs monitoring from time to time, but it does mean you can give your favourite creatures as much freedom as possible whilst keeping them safe. To help you deter determined pests we have created a range of electric fence kits, click the category for full details or visit our pages on How Electric Fencing Works.
You may already know that some foods and plants can be toxic and poisonous to chickens. From avocado to chocolate to raw potato and capsicums, follow our helpful list of what to avoid.
You may already know that some foods and plants can be toxic and poisonous to chickens. From avocado to chocolate to raw potato and capsicums, follow our helpful list of what to avoid.