How to Spot Lice in Chickens
When it comes to checking your chooks for little nasties like Lice and Mites they may not be easy to spot unless you know what to look for. Phill, with the help of Doris the Brahma hen, shows what to look for.

In our Helpful Video Series about Poultry, Phill shows how to spot the little devils on your chickens, what the signs are and gives guidance on some of the products you can treat them with to keep the birds happy and healthy.
The products shown here are just a few from our range of Poultry Supplies and include Battles Red Mite Powder; Battles Louse Powder; Diatomaceous Earth, plus a mention about using Ivermectin or Harkamectin.
Other repellents and treatments include Barrier Louse Powder which can be used in organic systems or Smite Organic DE Powder, and there are many sprays and powders available in our Red Mite & Lice Products section.
There isnt, yet, an effective spray to treat the birds with and we do not advise using any mite sprays directly on the birds. Not only do they not like being wet/damp but liquid sprays may contain ingedients that will irritate their skin and cause more problems than they solve. Powders are the most effective treatment for chicken lice and using a powder puffer pack makes it easy to apply.
When it comes to Red Mite, however, we have written more extensively about Red Mite in Chicken Houses as this is the plague of most chicken keepers today. It infests the chicken coop so requires a different solution.
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