Ask Phill 12 - Dust Baths for Chickens
How to save your flower beds and make the best Dust Bath for your Chickens, and hints on what to use in it.

Ask Phill 9 - The Worry of Odd Shaped Eggs
Phill answers questions about Odd Shaped Eggs and why there are times when hens don't lay eggs or their eggs are shell-less.

Ask Phill 7 - How to Keep Your Chicken Run Clean
Phill shows how you can easily provide a healthy, and far less smelly, run area for your poultry.

Ask Phill 4 - Using Diatomaceous Earth with your Chickens
Using Diatomaceous Earth to control pests, particularly Red Mite, in chicken houses and on your birds - why DE is so useful, what it does and how to use it.

Ask Phill 3 - Lice & Mites in Chickens
Our AskPhill Video No 3 shows how to spot if your chickens have lice or mites and advises what you can do to treat and prevent them.

Ask Phill 19 - Introducing New Chickens to your Flock
Hints and Tips on how to introduce new hens to an existing flock - painlessly.

Ask Phill 8 - Tips for Ice-free Poultry Drinkers over Winter
This week Phill gives some advice on how to maintain poultry drinkers during freezing weather.

Ask Phill 23 - Should I paint my chicken house?
Our guide on how to take care of your timber chicken house to make sure it is waterproof all year long.

Ask Phill 2 - Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is a great tonic for so many creatures. Phill chats about its benefits for poultry and how to use it.